Sissy defends XLeague Round Robin title

Defending XLeague winner Sissy (15-9) will return to the first-to-4 Final Series and have a 1-0 head start after an epic final double round-robin of the 2024 XLeague.

Nici (11-13) will have a 1-0 head start when facing Harry (10-14) in the first-to-3 Qualifying Series to determine the second finalist.

Sissy made a remarkable comeback from her abysmal 0-8 start earlier this year and has won 15-of-16 ever since, including her last four at-boards.

Nici, on the other hand, has only won 4-of-16 since starting into the season 7-1. Harry has won 5-of-16 since his 5-3 start.

In the first at-board of Saturday evening, Sissy faced Nici and had her fourth yellow pawn’s first PWL cut short three quarters around the track by friendly fire on the black “A” field.

After Nici had her first PWL with her fourth green pawn cut short almost three quarters around the track as well, both players found themselves in match-point situation with their respective second PWL. While Nici missed out on two opportunities to win the game, Sissy converted her second match point on a “1” after 40 minutes of play.

In the second at-board, Sissy needed a total of 17 match points to finally clinch victory against Harry. On her first PWL, her fourth red pawn missed out on 12 occasions before being eliminated.

Luckily for Sissy, her fourth green pawn had also traveled around the track on its first PWL. Harry did get in position to snatch away victory getting his fourth yellow pawn in match-point position with his first PWL. But after 48 minutes of play, it was Sissy who threw a “1” to clinch first place, thus qualifying directly for the Final Series.

With a win against Harry, Nici could have kept her hopes alive to prevent a 1-0 head start for Sissy in case they would meet in the Final Series. However, in an extraordinarily lopsided game, Harry needed only 23 minutes, one PWL and one match point to score the first ever 4-0 shutout in XLeague history.

At Monday Night MÄDNess, Sissy started the evening with a comprehensive 4-2 win against her husband. After 40 minutes of play, she converted her first match point to complete her first PWL on a “double-6” for Red.

Sissy’s at-board against Nici ended in dramatic fashion. She had missed seven match points on four PWL with Yellow and eight more on four PWL with Black. Only when Nici had brought her fourth green pawn in match-point situation, Sissy finally finished the game on a “1” after 45 minutes of play.

Nici and Harry entered the final at-board of the Round Robin Series tied at 10-13 with second place and a 1-0 head start into the Qualifying Series to play for. Nici dominated the board from the start and took revenge for her shattering shutout loss 48 hours prior. After 37 minutes of play, she converted her tenth match points on a “1” for Yellow to complete her first PWL and land a 4-2 win.

With her win, Nici ended the Round Robin Series on a positive note going into the Playoff Series and also saved the minimum lead over her Mum on the 2T Rankings. Provided that she will return to the Final Series, Nici is very likely to keep the top spot of the 2T Rankings until its discontinuation come New Year’s Eve.

With Nici going into the Qualifying Series against Harry with a 1-0 head start and Sissy slated to enter the Final Series with a 1-0 head start, the Playoff Series will start with the very same constellation as in 2023.