Sissy is Triple Crown Queen!

Sissy is the 2023 World Masters winner and finishes the inaugural 2022-23 Season as “Triple Crown Queen” after dominating Game 12 of the first-to-seven series.

Unlike the previous game, the die loved Sissy a lot this time around and Sissy also showed a more offensive game plan as she clinched victory in the quickest game of the series.

Only 53 minutes were played when Sissy had brought the first three pawns of each of her allied colours home. Only 10 minutes later, she got her fourth black pawn home and started her first potential winner lap.

Her first potential winner lap ended almost five sixths around the track by the hands of Nici’s green pawn.

Sissy got to start her second potential winner lap quickly and after only 1:16 hours of play, she converted her second championship point on a “5”.

Nici and Harry both got their pawns moving as well and even tried to collaborate while getting pawns home on (c) and (d) with each of their allied colours. However, Sissy was simply unstoppable today.

Final aggregate score (first-to-seven): Sissy 7, Nici 3, Harry 2

As Sissy also won the first two “Majors” of the inaugural 2022-23 Season – the 2022 World Championship and the 2023 GP World Series – the title “Triple Crown Queen” will be bestowed upon her for completing a “Royal Triple Crown”. Needless to say that Sissy also won the Medal Race by quite a margin.

Sissy’s coronation as “Triple Crown Queen” will be held at the XMädn New Year’s Banquet when she will also receive the “Medal”. While she will have the right to wear the “Medal” at each 2024 tournament, she will have the right to wear her Queen’s Crown for the remainder of her career.

Game 12 was originally scheduled for Saturday but as Harry would have been unavailable, the game was brought forward to Friday on short notice.