Sissy wins GP Spring Series

Sissy is the first player to win three consecutive triple-threat titles after convincingly winning the fourth and final game of the 2024 GP Spring Series yesterday.

Sissy’s red team had a very strong start and quickly saved their first two pawns. After less than 60 minutes of play, Sissy brought home her third red pawn and subsequently went on numerous potential winner laps.

Nici and Harry had no choice but to join forces against Sissy’s red team knowing that Sissy would clinch the title when finishing any colour in first or second place.
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2024 XLeague to start this weekend

The 2024 XLeague season is about to start this coming Saturday with the top half of the first double round-robin (DRR).

The XLeague is the most prestigious double-threat event of the year and will climax in the Playoff Series to be played in the last week of the year.

Originally scheduled to start on Easter weekend with the first two DRR, the first DRR has been predated as a result of the 2024 World Masters ending prematurely.

Defending XLeague champion Sissy, her husband, Harry, and her froggy daughter, Nici, will play six double round-robins throughout the year.
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Sissy wins 2024 World Masters!

“Queen” Sissy is the winner of the first “Major” of the season. On Sunday, she won Game 14 to finish the first-to-6 series and successfully defend the title she had won last November.

Under severe pressure by Nici’s three remaining pawns, Sissy fourth black pawn miraculously survived seven missed championship points.

Harry had his remaining pawns on the track and would have had good chances to draw level with Sissy if Nici had managed to kick Sissy’s fourth black pawn off the track.
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