Tournaments News

Sissy wins GP Holiday Series

Sissy scored her third straight tenner in Game 8 of the 2024 GP Holiday Series to clinch her fourth triple-threat title in row. After 1:25 hours of play, Sissy converted her first match point at the end of her first potential winner lap on a “6” for her fourth red pawn. The die loved the … Continue reading Sissy wins GP Holiday Series

Sissy wins GP Spring Series

Sissy is the first player to win three consecutive triple-threat titles after convincingly winning the fourth and final game of the 2024 GP Spring Series yesterday. Sissy’s red team had a very strong start and quickly saved their first two pawns. After less than 60 minutes of play, Sissy brought home her third red pawn … Continue reading Sissy wins GP Spring Series

Sissy wins Holiday Masters

“Queen” Sissy is the winner of the 2024 Holiday Masters after winning back-to-back games on Friday and Saturday. A day after regaining her confidence by pulling even with her daughter, Nici, Sissy produced a convincing display and clinched the first level-2 title of the year. By the 90-minute interval, Sissy had already brought three yellow … Continue reading Sissy wins Holiday Masters

Harry wins first title in 2024

Harry is the winner of the 2024 Winter Masters and the first leader of the 2024 Medal Race after winning Game 3 on Saturday afternoon. “Triple Crown Queen” Sissy remains winless in 2024 but is certain to remain #1 on the 3T World Rankings for at least five more weeks. For Sissy, Game 3 was … Continue reading Harry wins first title in 2024

Season 2024 to kickoff on Saturday

The 2024 Season is about to kickoff on Saturday with the first of up to four games of the 2024 Winter Masters. It will also be the start to the first ever “Masters” sub-season which will culminate in the first “Major” of the year, the 2024 World Masters. Such tournaments follow 3T+ rules which means … Continue reading Season 2024 to kickoff on Saturday